The Institute of Business Research was founded as "The Institute of Tax Law" in 1954 and acquired its current name in 1976. The main purpose of the institute is to conduct surveys and research on business, management, accounting and related fields. To shed light on the actual situation regarding trends in corporate management, we are implementing the "Business Trends Survey Project". The institute's research results are publicized through Business Trends Survey Reports, Business Research and the Institute Bulletin.
経済科学研究所長 中村 靖彦(Yasuhiko NAKAMURA)教授
経済科学研究所次長 吉田 博之(Hiroyuki YOSHIDA) 教授
〒101-8360 東京都千代田区神田三崎町1-3-2
電話 03-3219-3309
ファックス 03-3219-3329(研究事務課)
本研究所の取り組みとして、これまで毎年2つの共同研究プロジェクトを実施し、学内外(諸外国の研究者を含む)の研究者による共同研究を進めてきました。これらのプロジェクトの研究成果は、学内における研究会だけでなく、国際学会や全国規模による学会での研究報告等によって広く公表されております。また、成果論文として、本研究所の機関誌である経済科学研究所『紀要』に掲載し、他にも、学外から大学関係者等の有識者を講師として招き、公開講演会・研究会などを開催し、これらの研究報告内容は『経科研レポート』として刊行されております。また、本学教員の研究や学外研究者との共同研究の機会として、ワーキング・ペーパーの発行も随時行っており、これらすべての出版物は、本研究所のWeb siteを通じて閲覧可能となっております。
日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所 所長 中村 靖彦
Message from the Director of Research Institute of Economic Science
Research Institute of Economic Science has conducted researches on various fields such as theoretical economics, economic theory, economic thought, economic statistics, economic policies, finance and public policies, finance, economic history, over 70 years since its foundation in 1944. The College of Economics includes the business department as well as that of economics, and its research projects cover not only economics but also management, commercial science, accounting. This wide coverage on research fields is our main characteristics and strength. As a result, we have presented a large number of research outcome on a wide range of fields, which has been highly evaluated academically.
We have worked on 2 collaborative research projects a year with many researchers both inside and outside of the institute (including foreign researchers). The outcome of those projects have been publicized broadly on research reports for international and nationwide conferences as well as among workshops at the institute. In addition, it has been shared on our bulletin "Kiyou" as resulting papers. Regularly we hold open lectures and workshops led by invited intellectuals and those activities are accessible on "RIES (Research Institute of Economic Science) Report". Along with it, we occasionally publish working papers to develop opportunities of our member's works and collaborative researches with new researchers and all the publications are available online at our website.
This institute aims to promote the forefront researches to encourage collaborative researches with domestic and foreign institutes and researchers, and plans to hold workshops and international symposiums. At the same time, we intend to support industry-academia collaboration with private-sector corporation and to collect sponsored and collaborative researches widely.
I sincerely ask for your supports, cooperation, and participation to our activities to develop researches at this long-established Research Institute of Economic Science. I hope this institute will contribute academically and achieve missions for society.
Research Institute of Economic Science, Nihon University College of Economics
Yasuhiko NAKAMURA / Director