
Center for Global Studies on Culture and Society (CGS), formerly known as China-Asia Research Center established in 2006, was reorganized and renamed in 2018 for the purpose of expanding research targets globally. This center conducts interdisciplinary studies and area studies to understand various phenomena happening in global society complex and diverse. The research outcomes are to be released on working paper or our Research Bulletin . We also undertake a role as a platform for international research exchanges. Moreover, we support continuously our members’ research activities.


グローバル社会文化研究センター長 安田 靜
グローバル社会文化研究副センター長 渡邉 修士


〒101-8360 東京都千代田区神田三崎町1-3-2
電話 03-3219-3309
ファックス 03-3219-3329(研究事務課)


Message from the Director of Center for Global Studies on Culture and Society (CGS)

Center for Global Studies on Culture and Society (CGS), formerly known as China-Asia Research Center established in 2006, was reorganized and renamed in 2018 for the purpose of expanding research targets globally. This center holds full-time teachers of the College of Economics as a member and supports various fields of studies with inviting external researchers such as visiting researchers.

The China-Asia Research Center conducted interdisciplinary studies and area studies targeting Asia attracting attentions as emerging economy. Completing 9 research projects questioned society on those research results to achieve fully initial objectives.

On the other hand, the current global society has expanded cooperative relationships among areas even further and strengthened mutual effects, which requires us to turn our eyes beyond Asia to the whole world as research subjects to analyze the future trend of world economy and society. Moreover, it is necessary to expand targeting fields to regional cultures, histories, religions and so on and to grasp global trends on turning points with interdisciplinary points of view, in order to understand complex and diverse phenomena happening in the world.

Reflecting those demands at present, brand-newly launched Center for Global Studies on Culture and Society (CGS) utilizes the diverse resources at Nihon University, College of Economics, to promote interdisciplinary studies under the brand-new framework as well as specialized studies under the existing one. We also aim to undertake a role of an international research exchanges platform and to foster development of global human resources at Nihon University. Moreover, with achievements built by The China-Asia Research Center, we devote ourselves to contribute the research outcomes back widely to society. We believe this is to complement our Research Institute of Economics Science and Institute of Business Research and to serve a function as a base of research supporting.

Center for Global Studies on Culture and Society (CGS)
Shizuka YASUDA / Director