【共同研究】数理・統計解析によるリスク資産の分析 | ||
はしがき | 1-2 | |
Bayesian Estimation of a Stable Distribution Using the Hamiltonian Monte CarloMethodwith Application to Stock Indices | 戸塚英臣 三井秀俊 |
3 - 15 |
Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Model Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method and its Application to Nikkei 225 Data | 三井 秀俊 戸塚 英臣 |
17 - 25 |
Analysis of Stock Prices using Symmetry Models for Multi-way Contingency Tables | 生亀 清貴 | 27 - 33 |
論文抄録〈Summaries〉 | 35-38 |
事業報告 | 39 |
奥付 | |
裏表紙 |