新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する対応について / Measures to Prevent Contraction of the Coronavirus

1 感染予防について






2 感染が疑われる場合について





3 海外渡航について

 ア 帰国者は帰国日から14日間は体温を測定・記録(健康チェック表に記入)し、その結果を学生課ヘメール又はFAXにて報告してください。
 イ 帰国日から14日以内に発熱(37.5℃以上)かつ呼吸器症状がある場合は,他の人との接触を避け,マスクを着用するなどし,最寄りの保健所等の「帰国者・接触者相談センター」に電話相談し,その指示に従ってください。感染が疑われ検査を行った場合や感染した場合は,速やかに経済学部保健室または学生課に電話連絡をしてください(大学への入校はできません)。
 学生課MailAddress anpi.eco@nihon-u.ac.jp
 学生課TEL 03-3219-3346
 学生課FAX 03-3219-3354
 保健室TEL 03-3219-3349



Measures to Prevent Contraction of the Coronavirus
1. Regarding contraction prevention

Please be conscious of ways to prevent contraction and stay healthy. You should pay special attention to the following points to prevent contraction.
You need to avoid going to places in which you could likely contract the coronavirus. You are strongly advised to wash your hands with soap, gargle, disinfect your hands with alcohol sanitizer, wear a mask, and cover your mouth when coughing.
You should get enough nutrition and sleep well.
You should avoid gathering in areas with poor ventilation where people gather closely together. (Please refrain from going outside unless it is necessary or urgent.)
The risk of contraction will increase in environments where many people have face-to-face contact with each other.

2. Regarding possible contraction

If you have a fever (37.5 ℃ or higher) and respiratory symptoms, avoid contact with other people and wear a mask. Depending on your symptoms, please call to the Returnee/Contact Center at your nearest public health center and follow their instructions. If you are suspected to have contracted the coronavirus and are tested, or if you do contract the coronavirus, please call the Health Office or the Student Affairs Office of the NUCE immediately. (In those cases, you cannot enter the college buildings.)
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, you should consult the “Returnee/Contact Center” if you have the following:
-Cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher for 4 days or more (including when you have to keep taking anti-fever medicine).
-Severe drowsiness (malaise) or shortness of breath (dyspnea).
-Cold symptoms, a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher for 2 days or more, severe drowsiness (malaise), or shortness of breath (dyspnea) in addition to underlying illnesses, such as diabetes, heart failure, respiratory disease, etc..

3. Regarding overseas travel

① Traveling
 (1) Please cancel any overseas travel related to university clubs.
 (2) Please refrain from personal travel.
 (3) We kindly ask that international students temporarily refrain from returning to their countries.

② Notes after returning to Japan (including students from overseas)
 Nihon University requests that returnees, regardless of their place of departure (country/region), observe the following points.
 (1) Self-quarantine at home
Using an airport or staying in a an enclosed airplane will increase the risk of transmission of the coronavirus, so we ask you to stay at home for 14 days from the day you return home from overseas, and to try to avoid going out as much as possible. During this period you will not be able to enter the college. (If you do not feel sick on the 15th day, you can enter the college buildings.) This also applies to guidance sessions and classes. If you are already traveling abroad, please check the college’s schedule in advance and consider returning home if necessary.

 (2) Monitoring your health after returning to Japan
  A) Returnees must measure and record their body temperature for 14 days from the date of return, and report the results to the Student Affairs Office via Email or Fax. (Fill out the health checklist).
  B) If you have a fever (37.5 ℃ or higher) and respiratory symptoms within 14 days from returning to Japan, please avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, call the “Returnee/Contact Center” at the nearest public health center, and follow their instructions. If you are suspected to have contracted the coronavirus and are tested, or if you do contract the coronavirus, please call the Health Office or the Student Affairs Office of the NUCE immediately. (In those cases, you cannot enter the college buildings.)

Click here to download the health checklist.
Student Affairs Office
 Email: anpi.eco@nihon-u.ac.jp
 Phone: 03-3219-3346
 Fax: 03-3219-3354
Health Office
 Phone: 03-3219-3349

Changes may be made to the college’s schedule depending on the situation, so please check the college’s website or EcoLink continuously.

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