Visualization Website for the Japan-UK Joint Project “The Future of Unpaid Work:AI’s Potential to Transform Domestic Work in Japan and UK”

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2024/11/8 Simulation page changed during maintenance to update data

2023/12/25 Site open

About This Website

The aim of this website is to visually present the results of analyses and simulations from the collaborative research project between the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Economic and Social Research Council Research Grant (ESRC), of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) public funding body. The project, titled “The Future of Unpaid Work: AI’s Potential to Transform Domestic Work in the UK and Japan” (Principal Investigator, Japan: Dr. Nobuko Nagase, Professor at Faculty of Core Research Human Sciences Division, Ochanomizu University; Principal Investigator, UK: Dr. Ekaterina Hertog, Associate Professor of AI and Society, Oxford Internet Institute and Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford), was conducted from December of 2019 to December of 2023.

The graphs on each data visualization page can be interactively modified to display content based on user interests. For more information on the research overview of the above-mentioned project, please refer to the “Research Overview” section below. It is important to note that the analyses and simulations displayed on this site are based on the outcomes of Work Package 4, “Simulation of Future Society using the Framework of NTA/NTTA” (Principal Investigators: Rikiya Matsukura, Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Nihon University, and Dr. Setsuya Fukuda, Senior Researcher of the Department of the Research Planning and Coordination, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research), within the mentioned collaborative research project.

The program codes for all the analyses and simulations presented on this website are created by Dr. Setsuya Fukuda.

Research Overview

This project will introduce unpaid domestic work into the discussion of AI’s potential to influence the future of labor. Working-age adults in Japan spend approximately 38 percent of all paid and unpaid work time on household and care work; the figure for the UK is 56 percent. Yet, the future of unpaid household and care work has received little research attention.

The goal of this research project is to (1) scope the potential of new (AI-powered) digital technologies to free up time now locked into unpaid housework and care work, and (2) consider how the resulting changes may affect gender division of labor within households and women’s ability to participate in the labour market.

We build on existing predictions of the likelihood of paid work automation, but will go beyond purely technological criteria and also analyse relevant economic factors, such as affordability of technology and social factors, such as acceptability of machines performing different tasks in the domestic context.

Based on these dimensions we will build realistic simulations of the future of unpaid work and use them to evaluate the social consequences of automation in Japan and the UK.

Dr. Nobuko Nagase of Ochanomizu University is PI of Japanese side. Dr. Ekaterina Hertog of Oxford University Internet Institute is PI of UK side. By applying to UKRI for UK team and JST-RISTEX for Japanese team, the two groups in UK and in Japan simultaneously got competitive fund from the government that runs from December 2019 to December 2023.
P.I., Dr. Nobuko Nagase, Professor, Faculty of Core Research Human Sciences Division, Ochanomizu University
P.I., Dr. Ekaterina Hertog, Associate Professor of AI and Society, Oxford Internet Institute and Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford

Research Findings

Articles and Contributions:

Conference Presentations and Lectures:



Japan side member

Nobuko Nagase(PI)
お茶の水女子大学基幹研究院人間科学系 教授
Professor,  Ochanomizu University
Yuji Ohta
お茶の水女子大学基幹研究院自然科学系 教授
Professor,  Ochanomizu University
Yoshiaki Omori
横浜国立大学国際社会科学研究院 教授
Professor,  Yokohama National University
Emiko Usui
一橋大学経済研究所 教授
Professor,  Hitotsubashi University
Rikiya Matsukura
日本大学経済学部 教授
Professor, Nihon University
Setsuya Fukuda
国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 室長
Senior Researcher, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
Rieko Nagamachi
追手門学院大学経済学部 准教授
Associate Professor, Ottemon Gakuin University
Junko Okuda
北陸大学経済経営学部 助教
Assistant Professor, Hokuriku University
Marie Hirakawa
日本大学経済学部 助教
Assistant Professor, Nihon University
Jian Tianyou
お茶の水女子大学 リサーチアシスタント
Research Assistant、Ochanomizu University
靳 璇
Jin Xuan
お茶の水女子大学 リサーチアシスタント
Research Assistant、Ochanomizu University


Mitsuyo Onuma
Flap Inc.

British side member

Ekaterina Hertog (P.I.)オックスフォード大学インターネット研究所 准教授
Associate Professor of AI and Society, Oxford Internet Institute and Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Vili Lehdonvirtaオックスフォード大学インターネット研究所 教授
Professor of Economic Sociology and Digital Social Research, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Lulu Shiオックスフォード大学教育学部 講師/インターネット研究所 研究員
Departmental Lecturer, Department of Education and Research Associate, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

The Future of Unpaid Work: AI’s potential to transform domestic work in Japan and the UK

DomesticAI | Oxford Internet Institute

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