
「AI等テクノロジーと世帯における無償労働の未来:日英比較」データビジュアライゼーション・ウェブサイト(Visualization Website for the Japan-UK Joint Project “The Future of Unpaid Work:AI’s Potential to Transform Domestic Work in Japan and UK)



This page presents the population-aggregated net consumption of unpaid work hours in Japan and the UK, demonstrating its annual trends for the future. Additionally, based on the automation probabilities obtained in our research, we present simulation results depicting how the trends differ in scenarios with and without the automation of unpaid work. The simulation also explores the extent to which the automation of unpaid work influences employment rates. For the definitions of terms used in the graphs and information on the methods, please refer to the ‘Explanation of Data and Methods’ (Japanese/English).

目次 Index
  1. 無償労働の時間純消費(人口計)の年次推移:自動化がない場合 Trends in Population Aggregated Net Time Consumption of Unpaid Work: A Case for Non-Automation
  2. 無償労働の時間純消費(人口計)の年次推移:自動化がある場合 Trends in Population Aggregated Net Time Consumption of Unpaid Work: A Case for Automation
  3. 子ども期、成人期、高齢期における無償労働時間の不足・余剰 Deficit and Surplus of Unpaid Work Hours in Young Ages, Middle Ages and Old Ages
  4. 将来足りなくなる無償労働時間 The Amount of Unpaid Work Hour Shortage
  5. 無償労働の自動化による就業率への影響:F&Oスコアによる自動化のケースのみ Potential Impacts of Automation of Unpaid Work on Employment Rate: A Case for the F&O Automation Score

1. 無償労働の時間純消費(人口計)の年次推移:自動化がない場合 Trends in Population Aggregated Net Time Consumption of Unpaid Work: A Case for Non-Automation

2. 無償労働の時間純消費(人口計)の年次推移:自動化がある場合 Trends in Population Aggregated Net Time Consumption of Unpaid Work: A Case for Automation

3. 子ども期、成人期、高齢期における無償労働時間の不足・余剰 Deficit and Surplus of Unpaid Work Hours in Young Ages, Middle Ages and Old Ages

4. 将来足りなくなる無償労働時間 The Amount of Unpaid Work Hour Shortage

5. 無償労働の自動化による就業率への影響:F&Oスコアによる自動化のケースのみ Potential Impacts of Automation of Unpaid Work on Employment Rate: A Case for the F&O Automation Score

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