1 来校の際は必ずマスクを着用してください。入校の際は手指消毒を行ってください。用件が済み次第、速やかに帰宅してください。
2 体調不良の場合は学生課又は保健室に連絡してください。
3 不要不急な外出を控えてください。
学生課TEL 03-3219-3346
保健室TEL 03-3219-3349
To all students
March 16, 2020
NUCE sincerely asks that all students observe the following:
Be sure to wear a mask when entering the college buildings. Please disinfect your hands with the alcohol sanitizer at the building entrance. Please return home as soon as your business at the college is finished.
If you are ill, please contact the Student Affairs Office or the Health Office of the NUCE.
Please refrain from going outside unless it is necessary or urgent.
Changes may be made to the college’s schedule depending on the situation, so please check the college’s website or EcoLink continuously.
Click here for more details.
Student Affairs Office: (Phone) 03-3219-3346
Health Office: (Phone) 03-3219-3349