

Perseus the mechanism of economy logically. 3 special programs available.

What Makes the Department Unique

What is “Economics”?

The study of economics involves learning current and past economic theory, while analyzing and understanding the various economic phenomenon that have to do with our daily lives going on around us, such as the economic climate, finance, trade, etc., and finding common threads among those, examining and making your own theories.

Special Lectures

Our special lectures cover a wide range of topics, covering issues relevant to the current times. Economics is truly a living, evolving field, and these special lectures will keep you at the forefront of recent exciting developments.

The Curriculum

In your first year you study Micro Economics I and Macro Economics I, along with other fundamental subjects. Then from the second year on, you take basic and advanced courses based on their program focus, delving deeper into economics gradually and systematically. There are also seminars to pursue various research themes on your own.

What We Look for in an Applicant

Students should of course have an interest in economics, but also have the desire to learn about anything and everything. It may seem a bit tough at first, but after taking that first step into the world of economics, students will be able to have confidence in themselves and discover new, bigger goals and dreams to shoot for.

About the Programs

From your second year on, you will join a specialized program to further your learning in a structured format.

  • Theory and Policy Program
  • Industry and Household Affairs Program
  • International Economy and Regional Economy Program

Special program intensive in language study to seek understating of international economy globally

What Makes the Department Unique

Producing International Business People with Sensitivity and a Wide Perspective.

Being able to use English fluently is a prerequisite

English is a top priority for true international business people. Roughly 1/2 of requirements needed to graduate are language-related.

Foreign teaching staff handles all English courses
Small Class Size System of 10-15 Students

Class sizes are kept at a 10-15 student level in order to boost communication and make learning more effective.

A Good Balance of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

Careful consideration is put in to make sure all students have a good balance of listening, speaking, reading and writing, enabling students to advance their skills to the point where it can be put to use as one of the tools of the trade.

Open For Student Counseling Even Outside of Class Time

International Course teaching staff are always open to help out and give advice regarding studies and career options, further school or work advancement, etc., even outside of class time. Students are also required to take the TOEFL at least twice a year.

Study and Learning Your Major in English

Take lectures on international society, international financial theory, accounting, etc., all in English, and improve your skills so that you can explain everything you’ve learned in your major field in English.

Learn practical skills for management and accounting.
2 special programs available.

Unique Traits

As for the contents to learn

With a central base in industry and corporate theory, management, accounting, commerce, understand the current state of industry, as well as current corporate strategy, organization, and actions. Also gain a grasp on the actual, current, ever-fluctuating business climate from a variety of angles, and hypothesize what things will look like in the future.

What You’ll Learn While You’re Here

In your first year, you will study and get a grasp of the basics of economic and management theory, and from the second year on, move into a specialized program to focus on a specialized academic track. Students looking to test for specialized licenses are welcome to take related courses to deepen their knowledge.

Not only will you gain the necessary information-processing skills required by today’s information society, you’ll also sharpen your senses as business men and women for the next generation by learning things like fundamentals of accounting and human resources, things that make up the basic foundation of any corporation.

What We Look for in an Applicant

People with interest in the financial sector, international firms, corporate management, and start-up businesses. People striving to become certified public accountants or tax accountants. And people interested in the exciting new challenges that lie ahead in the wide world of Internet business.

About the Programs

As a student here, in your second year you will be entering one of the following programs, becoming part of the school and advancing your learning in the areas you choose.]

  • Management and Marketing Program
  • Accounting and Finance Program

Gain effective knowledge to design and manage public policies and financial system as the basis of society.

Objective of the department

The objective of the department is to educate students who can participate in planning public policy and financial system reform in Japan. Estimated job careers are government officials, think tanks, financial institutions, consulting firms, graduate schools, and so on. Students aim to acquire social skills comparable to business people based on both basic economic knowledge and real economic capacity.

Our goals are to acquire
  1. The ability to understand finance and public economics in the real world by applying theory of modern economics,
  2. The ability of practical negotiation skills and planning skills.
    Now is the time for young people with new knowledge and technology on economics.
About the Programs
  • Public Economics Program
  • Finance Program

Graduate School

6 courses available; Economics, Finance, Public Economy,
Management, Accounting, Tax Law.
You can concentrate on high-level specialty researches.


Individual Data

AKIYAMA TakanobuDatabase
ANDO MunetomoDatabase
ARIMA MoriyasuDatabase
ASADA YoshihisaDatabase
BUTTERFIELD Jeffrie LeighDatabase
EGAMI HiroyukiDatabase
ENDO KazumiDatabase
FUJINO MasafumiDatabase
HASHIMOTO HidetoshiDatabase
HAYASHI NaokiDatabase
HIBINO HironoriDatabase
HIKI NaoharuDatabase
HIRAKAWA MarieDatabase
HIRAKI TakakoDatabase
HIRONO KeikoDatabase
HUTCHINSON CarolineDatabase
IIBOSHI HirokuniDatabase
IJIRI NaohikoDatabase
IKEMOTO ShuichiDatabase
IKI KiyotakaDatabase
INDEN MasashiDatabase
ISASHIKI TakahiroDatabase
ISHIDA NorikoDatabase
ISHIKAWA KeikoDatabase
KAMIMURA YoshihiroDatabase
KASANUKI YokoDatabase
KATO KazueDatabase
KATO KyokoDatabase
KAWADE MasumiDatabase
KAWAGOE MasaakiDatabase
KISHIDA MakotoDatabase
KOBAYASHI ShinjiDatabase
KODAMA KoichiroDatabase
KONNO HirokiDatabase
KUIDA NaoyukiDatabase
KURINO ShunichiDatabase
KUTO YoshinoriDatabase
KUWAYAMA KeikoDatabase
KWON Hyeog UgDatabase
Li KeDatabase
MARUTA ToshimasaDatabase
MATSUKURA RikiyaDatabase
MINAMI MasaichiroDatabase
MITSUI HidetoshiDatabase
MIYACHI TadayukiDatabase
MIYAZATO NaomiDatabase
MURAKAMI EigoDatabase
MURAOKA TetsuroDatabase
MURATA YasusadaDatabase
MUTO MakotoDatabase
NAKAGAWA MasayukiDatabase
NAKAJIMA YasuhiroDatabase
NAKAMURA YasuhikoDatabase
NEMOTO ShihokoDatabase
NEMURA NaomiDatabase
NISHIWAKI NobukoDatabase
NISHIYAMA AkiraDatabase
NOGUCHI ShoheiDatabase
ODAKI KazuhikoDatabase
OGASAWARA YukoDatabase
OHASHI YoshihiroDatabase
OKAJIMA KeiDatabase
OKAMOTO NaokoDatabase
OKANE HidekiDatabase
OKUDA SatoshiDatabase
ONOE EriyaDatabase
OHTA MikikoDatabase
OTSUKI AkiraDatabase
OUCHI MasahiroDatabase
POWELL RichardDatabase
RIKU YugunDatabase
SAITO HiroyukiDatabase
SAKAMAKI ToshiyukiDatabase
SAKANO ToruDatabase
SAKUMA TakashiDatabase
SAKURAI KenjiDatabase
SATO AtsushiDatabase
SAWADA MichiruDatabase
SHIMIZU JunDatabase
SHINKAI HiromiDatabase
SHINOGAYA KeitaDatabase
SONE YasuoDatabase
SUGIHARA ShigeruDatabase
SUGITO HisashiDatabase
SUMI EijiDatabase
SUN DefengDatabase
SUZUKI MotokoDatabase
TACHIBANA MitsunobuDatabase
TAJIKA TomoyaDatabase
TAKAHASHI TetsuyaDatabase
TAKAKUSAGI KunihitoDatabase
TAKEHIRO RyoheiDatabase
TAKENAKA KojiDatabase
TAMURA ManamiDatabase
TANAKA KeiDatabase
TANAKA NatsumiDatabase
TERASAWA MikioDatabase
TEZUKA KoichiroDatabase
TOKUDA MasaakiDatabase
TOKUNAGA ShioriDatabase
TOTSUKA HideomiDatabase
TOYOFUKU KentaDatabase
TSUBOUCHI HiroshiDatabase
TSUNEKI AtsushiDatabase
TSURUTA DaisukeDatabase
URABE KatsuhikoDatabase
WAKIMOTO ToshikiDatabase
WATANABE ShujiDatabase
WATANABE ShunDatabase
WU YiliangDatabase
YABUKOSHI TomokoDatabase
YAMADA MasashiDatabase
YAMAGISHI IkukoDatabase
YAMAGUCHI KenjiDatabase
YAMASHITA YujiDatabase
YASUDA ShizukaDatabase
YASUDA ShoheiDatabase
YOKOI NorieDatabase
YONEZAWA SatoshiDatabase
YOSHIDA HiroyukiDatabase
YUKUTAKE NorifumiDatabase
ZHENG Heng kuiDatabase

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